
Lisbon Student Uniforms

Traveling to other countries exposes you to other cultures. In Lisbon, Portugal, the inspiration for the Hogwarts student’s uniforms was very apparent. Walking down the street were four girls in capes. The sight was a bit shocking as I had never seen anything like it before in real life.

The author of the Harry Potter series was living in Portugal when she was writing her novels and the student’s uniforms are credited as being her inspiration.

It was rather magical seeing those four girls walking down the street, their capes hanging in the darkness as they descended down the way.


Fairy Tale Castle in Lisbon

We are back in Portugal and our first stop is in Lisbon! When Disney was looking for inspiration for the Magic Kingdom, his people visited this castle in Sintra called the Pena Pallace.

Standing here on this fanciful turret looking out over the ocean we just crossed and down the coast we are about to sail made us stop and think about the choices we have made in our life to bring us to this very point.

What goid choices they have been!


Adventures on Boats

I have taken over managing a new website and I wanted to share it with you all here!

Yes, this does mean extra work for me, but I do enjoy writing and creating content. My job has transitioned from being a dentist on land to be a YouTuber and Blogger at anchor. The joys of this shift in profession is it lets me work from anywhere which means we are free to journey the world by sail and explore all sorts of new lands.

Doing so with our electric motor means that we have no fuel costs and we do a great job at keeping our own costs down, meaning that the meager income we make from all our creative outlets is enough to fund our travels and keep us going!

Adventures on Boats is a website that helps people get through all the stages of Boating.

There is a wonderful section that is geared towards someone who doesn’t have a boat yet. Then the next phase will be once you have a boat and need to learn how to do everything on it. The last section is for those who want to shove off from their ties to land and venture off on a cruising adventure.

Rigging Doctor is more focused on living on a sailboat and synthetic standing rigging, while Adventures on Boats is more focused on the journeys and travels that you can have on your sailboat.