
Transatlantic: Day 11

Our friends on land tell us that the weather systems around us have normalized!


With this glorious information, we await the 8pm transmission of Weather Faxes and anxiously download the information.


The 1020 line has moved back towards us, the weird gales are gone, and the Azores High seems to dominate the North Atlantic.


Looking at the wind/waves chart, you can really see how the weather patterns have normalized. There is a very nice and consistent flow of circulation in the North Atlantic. Winds are steady and seas are even. The weather is here! It is time to turn North and make our way to Westerlies!

Transatlantic: Day 10

Today is June 23, and we are still just off the Bahamas.


10 days! 10 DAYS! NOTHING! We have given up on Weather Fax and all weather forecasts, and are now simply slowly drifting along in the right direction.

We are slow, we are barely moving, but we have planned for this.

As slow as we were, today was the first time that we managed to make more than 80 nautical miles in a 24 hour period. This is nothing to brag about, but it is exciting when for the past week you have been averaging in the 50s.

Transatlantic: Day 9

Where are we trying to go? The Azores.

What cardinal direction are they? East

Let’s go East!


Very slowly, we continue our voyage easterly. We avoid heading North because those gales are still up there.

At this pace, we hope to make it to the Azores before the year ends, even though it’s only June 23.


For a change of pace, we managed to catch our first fish of the trip! This gave us some welcome variety into our diet as we now had fish for dinner! 

Transatlantic: Day 8

No more Weather Fax! It keeps predicting wind and then not delivering. Friends on shore also keep telling us that tomorrow, there will be plenty of wind, but it never comes!

This is my first night of the crossing that when 8pm EST comes around, I don’t download the Weather Fax. It has become a joke on the boat: Whatever the Weather Fax calls for will be the only scenario that will not occur! If it calls for wind, prepare to be becalmed. If it calls for becalmed, prepare the storm sails!

Maddie and I decide to stop chasing the wind that is supposed to be somewhere out there and instead begin our VERY slow journey East.

Transatlantic: First Week

We spent a week sailing across an ocean, but all we did was circle the northern part of the Bahamas. This is like turning on a Roomba in a room and shutting the door; when you return 5 hours later, expecting the room to be fully vacuumed, you find that everything is still dirty and the Roomba got trapped in a corner!


In this full week, we sailed 398 miles, or an average of 56 miles per day. That is a far cry from our anticipated 80 or hopeful 100 miles per day! Worst of all, this was sailing 24 hours a day. With a crew of 3, we were able to do “4 on - 8 off” watch schedule. Everyone got plenty of sleep while the unlucky person had to sit in the cockpit and stare at the stars reflection in the glassy water!

This is not what we expected when we thought about crossing the ocean. All we have been doing is biding our time as we wait for the right weather to launch our trip, but instead of leaving from a port where we have access to food, water, and entertainment; we are leaving from the middle of the water, where there is no access to any of these things and all our provisions need to be conserved as we appear to be in for a VERY slow crossing.