Battleship Gray

We are being painted outside and without a tent. This means that the painting schedule is weather dependent, and not very dependable. 


Work in the Azores happens very slowly. This project began in August 2018, early August to be exact! The painter said it would take a few weeks and told me of the rush he was in to beat the rainy season with the project.  


Come late October and the painter finally gets around to starting the project. The frequent excuse for the slow progress is the rain.  


Yeah, rain in the rainy season. Well, the painter managed to get the primer on with a few dry days and now she sits in her gray glory, waiting.  


Just as the rain streaks down her topsides, our hopes of seeing her white also trickle away.  

Thankfully, the longer the painter takes, the more tube I have to earn money while working back in the states. The total bill to repaint the topsides (sanding, preping, fairing, priming, and painting) was a grand total of €2,000! 

At that price, he can take his time and I’ll take mine. Soon or later, it will be finished.