

The third island from Portugal, and such named “Third” in Portuguese is gorgeous! One of the splendors is to look out over the “Five Peaks” of ancient volcanoes as well as the giant valley created by lava flows long since past.  


The island has almost entirely been converted into farm plots which form a grid structure on the surface of this land. Unlike in most countries, where farm land is flat and any hills are demolished or terraced, the Azorians seem to just build over the land as it is before them. 


It almost looks like a representation of spacetime and the effect mass has on it. But instead of massive objects stretching the fabric down, here the stretch is up! Hills are simply part of the landscape and the side of a mountain is just as fine a surface for pasture as the flat portions in the valley. 


The view from this lookout is breathtaking! You stand high up on an old volcano, looking down at the remnants of the other volcanoes responsible for forming this land eons ago, and yet it is all stretched out before you, within view but out of grasp.