Landlubbers have expressed concern about raising a dog inside a sailboat. Common concerns hint towards the lack of space for the dog to run around, or the lack of stimulation found inside a boat, or the fact that there isn't anywhere for a dog to be a dog.
Granted, most of these people have never stepped foot inside a boat before, I think they assume that we live in this:
When cruising, Morty greatly enjoys lounging with us in the cockpit, but we encourage him to run around and play on deck during calm hours. Cruising also exposes him to all kinds of new places! There is a fresh supply of people to pet him and trees to pee on every time we make landfall. When we are in port, he gets plenty of exercise from his long walks along the shore.
When he is alone in the boat, he has plenty of beds to sleep in (which is his version of being a dog).
My final counter argument to the nay sayers of a dog permanently on board a boat is this:
Morty lives such a cultured life that he has taken to theater! Our little boat dog is now a little thespian!
Maddie takes him on many adventures during the day including a dress rehearsal where he immediately stole the show by running up on stage when one of the characters fell.