
The Big Departure

When all your hard work leading up to the arbitrarily set “shove off date” comes to a head, you will not be ready to go cruising. The truth is, you never will be ready.

All of your friends and family will come down to the boat to watch you set off on your journey, as you make the first step towards a huge adventure, and they want to see you leave the dock, not tell them you are still putting things away.

The best way to manage this situation is to shove off from the pier with a big show and wave good bye to everyone, then round the point where you fade from sight and anchor!

At anchor and out of view, you can finally get everything stowed and the boat prepared to go cruising. You will have no deadlines, no social pressures, so distracting conversations. It will just be you and your yacht, getting ready for the adventure to come.

So remember, give them the show they imagine, wave goodbye as you leave the pier, and sail away gracefully. Once you are out of view, anchor and get the boat ready for the voyage to come!

Traveling Far From Home

When you first set off cruising, you might feel like if you can’t seem to actually go. Every excuse and reason seems to hold you back from leaving on your voyage, and if you let it, it will.

When you go cruising, you are freeing yourself from all the restraints that society has placed on you. Everything that is set up to hold you still is going to be lifted, but first you must escape these restraints, to gain your freedom.

It will feel reckless and unprofessional, but if this is something you want to do, you just need to do it and not look back. Projects will not be finished, deadlines will not be met, but the time will come and you will have to go or you will never actually leave.

Since you are freeing yourself, the simple answer to “what do I need to bring?” is nothing. Just go, and after you have left, you will find the things that you truly do need, and those will be the things you will shop for at your next port.

Untie the lines or raise the anchor, and go!

How to Hand Start your Engine

Mechanical propulsion is great, it can power your vessel through the water, as well as power your alternator to charge all your electrical needs aboard. This is all great, except that starting these mechanical marvels requires one key step: Starting.

Electric starters are great if you have the electricity to power it. What if your batteries are dead and you discovered the need to crank up? You could wait for your solar panels to charge up your battery bank over the next several hours, or you could hand start your motor.

The video below shows how amazingly simple it is to start your motor by hand.

How to Fund Your Journey

Cruising is great, you live where your boat is and don’t have to go to work in the morning. The problem with this plan is that money is a thing you need if you want to eat, and not going to work means you won’t have any money.

Well, you don’t necessarily “go to” work, but instead, you “bring” work with you.

Cruising means that you are going to have a mobile lifestyle and it would be best if your work was also mobile. We fund our journey through a variety of sources, and each one is rather small, but collectively, they add up to be enough that we can buy food and sail on.

First, there is the blog that you are reading right now. I started this blog back in 2015 and have posted a new blog post daily since then. This is a lot of work and it takes a lot of time, but it is a labor of love that pays me thanks to the ads that are displayed on the web page. The money comes from Google AdSense, and I get paid monthly.

Second, there is the YouTube Channel Rigging Doctor which also pays from ad revenue generated by ads that play on the videos we make. Filming requires equipment, and equipment is expensive. Editing the footage takes software, which is an additional cost, but the end result is a wonderful video diary of our adventure. The channel started out as something my wife and I were doing for ourselves to document our voyage, but it grew in popularity and has actually begun to pay us a comfortable amount.

Third, Patreon. This is a system where Patrons can donate to your adventure, which helps give you a steady income and lets you know you are going to be able to buy food this month! Now, Patrons don’t want to just give random people money, they want something in return, and that something is usually content that you create for them in the form of YouTube videos. The moral of the story is: if you make videos, make them good videos that people will want to watch!

Fourth, T-Shirts. We design shirts and then sell them. This is far from a guaranteed income source, as some months we don’t sell any shirts, while other months we sell a bunch! Teespring has a great setup where it costs you nothing to submit a design and attempt to sell, so anything you earn is pure profit as there doesn’t have to be any initial investment on your part.

Fifth, Amazon Associates. Basically, you are paid a finders fee if someone buys something from your link. These links look like this:

When someone buys something through a link, you then get a percentage of the sale as a finders fee. This works well for the sellers because they only have to pay advertising when a product actually sells instead of paying a whole bunch of ad money and hope to make a sale. This also means that you wan’t to use and promote products that you value so that others can benefit from it the same way you have, and it helps pay for food!

Sixth, Brand Ambassadorship. Meeting people while you cruise will open up business opportunities. As you come in contact with these people, you will be offered new ways to earn income that you may have never even thought of. One friend has created a website that connects people who want to travel with local tours and local knowledge. This means that they can plan and book their next adventure, all from home. They can take vacation time from work and quickly have the experience of a lifetime, then get right back to work with no wasted time. He calls it TravelGnu, and just like with Amazon Associates, you earn a finders fee from the booking company that hosts the tours and hotels.

Lastly, your old job. If you are able to work part time, you can simply go cruising for a while (until you run out of money) and then return to work. This will let you earn and save up money quickly so that you can then get back to cruising. This has been our main course of action whenever we need more money than we have on hand, or our funds start to dwindle. I fly home and work as a dentist for about a month, then head back to the boat. The reason I work for a month at a time is I have to make the trip worth it. Yes, I could probably earn what I need at the moment in a week, but I just had to pay for flights to get back, I’m going to take full advantage of being back and do everything I needed to do while I am here before I head back to the boat. This minimizes the amount of flights I need to take in a year and as a direct result, minimizes the amount of money we spend on flights for the year.

Cruising is a much cheaper way of living than being on land or tied to land, but it is still not free. Finding ways to earn money while you sail is important to minimize the amount of time you need to spend back at home working and maximize your time on the boat working in exotic places!

Wind Speed and Sea State

The Beaufort Scale is used as a method for judging wind speeds based on sea states. Wind drives the formation of waves, so the stronger the wind, the larger the seas will be.  

The problem with this is waves take time to form, and in the beginning, the sea state will be relatively calm compared to the photos of the sea states that correspond to each Beaufort level.  


Here, we see a view of the ocean on what looks like a mildly choppy day. There are scattered whitecaps and bits of spray flying through the air. The winds were sustained at 50 knots with gusts of 83 knots.  


Since the winds cropped up out of nowhere, the seas did not have time to mature into the towering walls that you would expect with these winds. 

These conditions are Force 10 and should produce waves of 29-41 feet! These waves look no taller than 6-10 feet.


Why the discrepancy? Well, a few factors can come into play here. First is duration of the wind. Second is depth of the water.  

The water in the picture is about 400 feet deep close to the shore and 4000 feet deep just a bit past the shore. Deep water allows waves to mature into their full size without breaking, as the water is deep enough to support the wave and allow it to move without interruption.  

The second is the duration of the wind. At the time of this photo, the winds had only been at this level for about an hour. To fully mature into the giants of the Beaufort scale, they would need at least a full day.  

If you find yourself out at sea in horrible conditions like these bit feel like putting off reefing down to your storm sails “because the seas don’t look all that bad”, consider how hard it would be to reef once they pick up! 

Reef before the storm hits they way you are safe and prepared for the winds and seas to come!